Broadband Resources for West Virginians

Bills being presented to improve broadband services in West Virginia

Summary: Establishing Broadband Enhancement and Expansion Policies

The purpose of this bill is to establish Broadband Enhancement and Expansion Policies. The bill moves the existing Broadband Enhancement Council into a new chapter, and sets forth additional duties and responsibilities for the council. The bill additionally authorizes the establishment of cooperative associations for the purpose of obtaining internet services. It also establishes new policies and protocols for microtrenching and make-ready pole access. Finally, it makes it an unfair and deceptive practice for an internet service provider to advertise or contract for “up to” speeds.

Summary: Relating to expansion of broadband service

All relating to the expansion of broadband service to unserved areas of West Virginia by providing loan insurance for commercial loans used for the expansion of broadband service to unserved or underserved areas; establishing limits and conditions on the insuring of loans; establishing interest rates; establishing amortization periods; providing for security interests; setting forth the responsibilities of the West Virginia Economic Development Authority, the West Virginia Board of Treasury Investments and the Broadband Enhancement Council; providing that the members of the West Virginia Board of Treasury Investments do not have a fiduciary responsibility with regard to the loans; providing for notice for loan insurance; providing for hearings and appeal; and making technical changes.

Contact your representatives and let them know you support these bills here.

Internet, and specifically broadband and high-speed internet capabilities are critical to the future of West Virginia. Internet Service Providers (ISP)'s in our state have been unable to supply speeds necessary to ensure our children, businesses, and aging population have access to the resources they need to thrive. It's time to let our representatives know that we believe broadband and high-speed internet capabilities are necessary for the future of WV, and that it's time for them to act.

Make your voice heard.

Complete this SURVEY to help us gather data for legislators to improve our connectivity before we fall too far behind.

West Virginia Needs to Attract Young Talent

“This bill would give us the fastest and most affordable fiber optic backbone in the United States,” says Senator Walters. “My generation understands the importance of broadband connectivity, speed, and availability and they’re looking for opportunities to grow businesses in states with this type of access.”